
Articles Posted in Insurance Law


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. /// Practice Pointer: Keep Your Eye On the Ball

Everyone is familiar with the idiom, “Keep your eye on the ball.” What it means, quite simply, is to keep one’s attention focused on the matter at hand. Lawyers must remember this during intense situations. Last week we experienced just such an intense situation. In a case involving severe personal…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Prohibited Florida Workers’ Compensation Balance Billing

A medical provider authorized by an employer or workers’ compensation insurance carrier to furnish care to an injured worker is paid based on a fee schedule. (Section 440.13(b), Florida Statutes allows for deviations by agreement.) Fee schedule payment amounts are always below the provider’s usual and customary charge. However, balance…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida Fails Again at Mandating Bodily Injury Insurance Coverage

For the eighth year in a row, the Florida Legislature has considered but failed to make bodily injury (BI) insurance coverage mandatory for every owner or operator of a motor vehicle required to be registered in this state. The two bills proposed for this reason during the recently concluded legislative…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida Motor Vehicle Insurance Protections Gutted by The Graves Amendment

Companies make billions of dollars leasing and renting their motor vehicles. You’d think they’d have some corresponding corporate responsibility to compensate individuals injured through no fault of their own by the negligent operation of their vehicles. They don’t. The Florida Legislature once believed they did. They may still feel this…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida Liability Insurance Carriers Not Obligated by Duty of Good Faith to Settle Claims of All Insureds

Florida liability insurance policies often provide coverage to many individuals, including those not named in the policy. For example, the standard Florida motor vehicle policy will insure vehicle owners and unlisted permissive users. This was the scenario in Contreras v. U.S. Sec. Ins. Co., 927 So.2d 16 (Fla. 4th DCA…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida Tortfeasors Do Not Benefit From Negotiated Subrogation Waivers

Liability insurance carriers pursue every avenue to limit the amounts they must pay in damages to harmed parties. One avenue at their disposal is Florida Statute 768.76(1): In any action to which this part applies in which liability is admitted or is determined by the trier of fact and in…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // UM Carrier Not Entitled to Setoff for Benefits Paid by Private Health Insurance

The law disfavors windfall recoveries and insurance carriers are always seeking to be the beneficiaries of this public policy. One way carriers seek to benefit from this policy is by reducing jury verdicts by amounts recovered in damages from other sources. This is known as “Setoff.” Uninsured and underinsured motor…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // $2 Million Settlement Achieved by Avoiding Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Immunity Law

What began as a product liability investigation, ended in a $2,000,000 personal injury settlement against the owner of an altered riding lawnmower (pictured). Our client lost his right leg when run over by the lawnmower he was operating for his employer. Initially thinking that the mower was owned by the employer,…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Where the Insurance Policy is Delivered Can Matter

We recently resolved a case involving a reimbursement dispute under an Occupational Health & Disability Insurance Policy. Our client, an independent trucker, had sustained catastrophic injuries from being struck by a motor vehicle as he was changing a tire while parked in a gore on I-95 in Florida. He was…


Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida Uber and Lyft Riders and Drivers Beware!

Riders and operators of Uber and Lyft rides will be surprised to learn that they are barely covered by insurance or not covered at all for economic losses and personal injuries resulting from crashes caused by uninsured and underinsured motorists. Florida Statute 627.748 outlines the insurance requirements for Transportation Network…

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