I have railed for years against various aspects of Florida’s workers’ compensation system. One of my main targets has been section 440.13(9)(c), Florida Statutes, covered under the section of the statute dealing with “Expert Medical Advisors.” What bothered me about the law is that it excluded workers’ compensation judges, known…
Articles Posted in jcc
Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Medical Expenses Incurred in Diagnosing the Nature and Cause of Non-Compensable Injuries Can be the Responsibility of Workers’ Compensation Insurance Carriers
We represent a woman who fell at work. The employer sent her to a clinic the same day for treatment. However, because of miscommunications between the employer and the clinic, she never got in to see a doctor despite waiting more than two hours. While in the waiting room, our…
Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Limited Medical Choices for Claimants in Florida Workers’ Compensation Cases
Florida Statute 440.13 governs the provision of medical care under Florida’s workers’ compensation system. For the most part, the Employer and its insurance carrier — “E/C” — control the provision of medical care. The most dominant aspect of this control is the right to select the injured worker’s treating doctors.…
Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Florida’s EMA Law Neuters the Independence of Workers’ Compensation Judges
The resolution of disputes in Florida workers’ compensation cases often boils down to medical opinions. On this matter, the deck is stacked against injured workers (a/k/a “claimants”). Section 440.13(2)(a), Florida Statutes lays out the obligations of employers and their insurance carriers, commonly referred to as “E/C,” to furnish medical care…
Jeffrey P. Gale, P.A. // Peer Review in Florida Workers’ Compensation
The Oxford Dictionary defines peer review as “a judgment on a piece of scientific or other professional work by others working in the same area.” It is a commonly used procedure with a variety of scientific and medical matters. Florida’s workers’ compensation statutes are located in Chapter 440. Peer review…