Articles Posted in Personal Injury

Workplace forklift accidents are common in Florida and often result in catastrophic injuries or death. Our law firm is currently handling two forklift accident cases, each involving serious injuries.

Employees injured in forklift accidents should be eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits through the employer or its insurance company. The workers’ compensation benefits will consist of medical benefits and lost wages. Because of Florida Statute 440.11, these are the only benefits that will be available from the employer in most cases. There will be no compensation [from the employer] for pain and suffering, and only a remote chance of being indemnified for the loss of future earning capacity.

To be compensated for these damages, the injured worker must be able to make out a case of negligence against a third party, such as the forklift manufacturer or an outside forklift maintenance company. This is our strategy in one of the two forklift cases, in which the forklift failed to slow when it was being operated in reverse, causing the operator’s foot to be crushed between the forklift and a wall. In our other forklift case, we have eliminated third party liability as the cause.
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In its infinite wisdom (sarcasm intended), the Florida Legislature, in 2003, placed arbitrary caps on the amount of money persons harmed by medical negligence may recover for noneconomic damages. (Noneconomic damages are defined in Florida Statute 766.202(8) as follows: “Noneconomic damages” means nonfinancial losses that would not have occurred but for the injury giving rise to the cause of action, including pain and suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of capacity for enjoyment of life, and other nonfinancial losses to the extent the claimant is entitled to recover such damages under general law, including the Wrongful Death Act.) This blog will attempt to summarize the caps, as set forth in Florida Statute 766.118:

IF THE NEGLIGENCE IS COMMITTED BY A “PRACTITIONER” (“Practioners” include MDs, DOs, chiropractors, podiatrists, naturopathists, optometrists, dentists, midwives, physical therapists and nurse practioners as well as their employers (i.e. hospitals, private practice groups). See 766.118(1)(c)):

  • For personal injury: $500,000 per claimant, regardless of the number of practitioner defendants, and no practioner shall be liable for more than $500,000, regardless of the number of claimants.
  • For negligence resulting in a permanent vegetative state or death: $1,000,000 is the total amount recoverable from all practitioners, regardless of the number of claimants.
  • In cases that do not involve death or permanent vegetative state, if the trial court determines that the patient has sustained a catastrophic injury and the noneconomic harm sustained by the injured patient was particularly severe: $1,000,000 total by all claimants from all practitioner defendants.


  • Personal injury: $750,000 per claimant regardless of the number of nonpractitioner defendants.
  • Permanent vegetative state or death: $1.5 million per claimant.
  • In cases that do not involve death or permanent vegetative state, if the trial court determines that the patient has sustained a catastrophic injury and the noneconomic harm sustained by the injured patient was particularly severe: $1.5 million.

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In a previous blog, I wrote about the “enhanced injuries” doctrine in Florida. The doctrine stands for the proposition that a wrongdoer can be liable for damages extending beyond those resulting from the initial negligence. The example I used was of a simple car accident that triggered a defect in the victim’s vehicle, which caused a fire and catastrophic injuries well beyond the minor injuries resulting from the initial impact alone. Today’s blog is about the common characteristics associated with enhanced injury cases in the context of motor vehicle accidents and the various defects leading to those accidents.

Common characteristics include:

  • One or a few occupants are catastrophically or fatally injured while others have minor or no injuries;
  • Minor collisions resulting in catastrophic injury or death – see example in first paragraph;
  • Severe damage to or failure of a localized area of the vehicle (examples: roof crush or seat belt collapse);
  • Seat-belted occupants who are seriously injured or who are partially or fully ejected.

Typical Reasons for Enhanced Injuries:

Post-Impact Fuel Fed Fire Defects
Auto engineers agree that an occupant who survives the crash forces should not be injured or killed by a subsequent fire. Fire causing defects include:

  • Fuel Tank Location & Shielding. Fuel tanks placed in positions of risk to crushing or compromise, or not adequately protected against puncture damage.
  • Siphoning, Filler Tube & Fuel Line Failure: Excessive post-accident fuel leaks caused by failing to install inexpensive check-valve devices.

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tire_blowout.jpgThere is more to tire safety than adequate tread depth and proper inflation levels. Age alone is a major factor in tire safety. As tires age, the rubber dries out and makes them more prone to blowouts and tread separation. This applies to new-old-stock tires as well as to used tires.

No laws in the United States restrict the age of tires. In states with inspection laws – Florida is not one of them – all that is tested is tread wear. A tire has a useful life of six years. Accordingly, for consumers to get at least two years of useful life from a tire, it should be no more than four years old at the time of purchase.

Unfortunately, retailers can sell tires that are more than six years old. Many are much older, sometimes 15 years and above. These tires are accidents waiting to happen.
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To the surprise of many, most of the doctors who work in Florida’s hospital emergency rooms are not hospital employees. Instead, they are independent contractors. (It is quite rare for Florida hospitals to employ their ER physicians.) Equally surprising is that Florida law does not hold a hospital liable for a doctor’s negligence simply because the hospital grants privileges or credentials to the doctor, unless there was negligence in the credentialing. These matters become important when emergency room malpractice causes serious personal injuries and death.

With the reality of arbitrary statutory damage caps limiting the monetary exposure of medical negligence defendants, it is often necessary [for the victim or the victim’s family] to recover from multiple parties to be justly compensated for serious injuries or death. For such damages resulting from negligent emergency room services, the hospital would seem to be a natural target. Not so.

Today’s hospitals typically take the position that the doctors working in their emergency rooms are independent contractors, individuals for whom they have no legal liability when things go wrong. Strictly speaking, they may be right. Independent contracts are not employees, whose negligence subjects the employer to liability under the principle of respondeat superior (the Latin meaning is ‘let the master answer’).

Thankfully, Florida law does not accept the strict view of this consequential subject.

The main legal principles being used to hold hospitals accountable are:

  • Non-delegable duty
  • Actual agency
  • Apparent agency
  • Negligent credentialing

Non-delegable duty. This theory, which is not limited in its application to medical negligence cases, is most often utilized for activities involving the risk of serious injury or loss. In the context of emergency rooms, the risk is addressed by statutes and rules which set forth strict guidelines for modes of operation. Recent court decisions have relied on these rules and regulations to find that hospitals have a non-delegable duty to provide various non-negligent services in its emergency rooms.

Actual agency. The elements necessary to establish an actual agency relationship are: acknowledgment by the principal that the agent will act for him, the agent’s acceptance of the undertaking, and control by the principal over the actions of the agent.

Apparent agency.The main element of this principle is the impression through words and actions a hospital conveys to the public about its ER. Through advertising and appearance (e.g., uniforms; logos; paperwork; etc.), the general public can reasonably believe that an ER’s physicians are hospital employees. This is usually a fact question requiring a decision by the trier of fact, typically a jury.

Negligent credentialing. Involves granting privileges to an unqualified physician to practice medicine in the hospital. The mechanism for allowing a doctor to ply his trade in a hospital setting is supposed to be more than a rubber-stamp process. Thoughtful consideration based on rigorous standards should be followed.
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There is a distinct lack of unanimity throughout the country regarding the appropriate duty, if any, of a landowner for dangers presented by natural hazards on the landowner’s property. One camp applies the so-called “agrarian rule,” which provides that a landowner owes no duty to persons harmed by natural conditions on the land. The other camp applies the principle that a landowner may owe a duty of care for dangers posed by natural conditions when an invitee uses the property in a reasonable manner. (See this blog for the meaning of the legal term “invitee.”)

(Examples of such natural hazards include: tree roots obscured by leaves; view of sidewalk blocked by foliage; hole in ground covered by tall grass; traffic control device – e.g., stop sign, yield sign – obstructed by tree branches.)

Thankfully, Florida falls into the latter camp.
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Surprisingly, most of the clothing sold and manufactured in the United States today is regulated by a law enacted in 1953, the Flammable Fabrics Act. The law was enacted to remove only the most flammable garments, leaving unregulated countless other dangerous fabrics. As a result, every year thousands of people are injured and nearly two hundred die due to clothing-related burns. The Act provides minimal protection and is sorely outdated. More can and should be done.

An example of what can be done is the Children’s Sleepwear Standards Act, enacted by Congress in the 1970s. The goal of this Act was to protect children up to the age of 12 years from the unreasonable risk of burns caused by burning sleapwear. It has worked. The standards have resulted in a drastic reduction in clothing-related burn injuries and death to children.

Adults should not be mislead by labeling announcing the burn resistance or safety characteristics of their clothing. Language such as “Class one normal flammability” or “does not ignite,” terms commonly used in the industry, do not necessarily mean that a fabric will not ignite under real world conditions. Consider this: ordinary newsprint passes the standard of “Normal flammability.”
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“Umbrella” insurance is a relatively inexpensive way to obtain significant increases in important insurance policy coverage limits.

Consumers are familiar with motor vehicle and homeowners insurance policies. They are separate policies covering separate and distinct risks. Each has its own policy limits and premium charge.

Umbrella insurance is a distinct coverage that is purchased as a stand alone package to supplement other, separate policies, such as the the motor vehicle and homeowners examples mentioned above.

Example: A motor vehicle policy may provide bodily injury coverage of $10,000 or even $100,000. Separately, the homeowners policy (similar renters insurance is also available) may provide the same coverage limit.

Bodily injury coverage pays for personal injuries and death caused by the insured’s negligence. Although $100,000 in coverage is enough in most cases, in some cases it is not nearly enough. Some serious injuries command $1,000,000 and more in damages, while wrongful death damages can reach into the multiple millions. In these cases, the protection afforded by the primary policy is insufficient. This is where umbrella coverage comes into play.
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The remedies available under Florida’s workers’ compensation system and its personal injury laws are significantly different in many ways. The most important difference may be that workers’ compensation does not compensate for pain and suffering (non-economic damages). For this reason, many people wish to pursue their remedy under the personal injury system.

Easier said than done….

The workers’ compensation system is essentially a no-fault system. Once eligibility is established, the benefits are supposed to begin. Establishing eligibility is usually as simple as showing that the accident occurred in the course and scope of employment. Fault is rarely an issue.

It is because of this important element that injured workers have lost the right to be compensated for pain and suffering. This element also accounts for the employer having almost absolute immunity from lawsuits seeking damages under the personal injury system.

The language granting the immunity is contained in Florida Statute 440.11(1). The exceptions [to the immunity] are contained in Sections 440.11(1)(a) & (b).

Exception (1)(a) applies to employers who have failed to secure workers’ compensation insurance or its statutory equivalent. This employer can be sued for workers’ compensation benefits or personal injury damages under traditional theories of negligence. The successful negligence litigant may be awarded compensation for pain and suffering. (Most employers are properly covered. Unfortunately, the ones who are not, commonly do not have enough money to provide workers’ compensation benefits or pay personal injury damages.)
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The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the most frequently injured ligaments in the human body. The typical mechanism of the injury is a non-contact twisting movement, usually due to abrupt deceleration and change of direction. Side-stepping (cutting), pivoting and landing from a jump are examples of events that may cause an ACL tear.

ACL tears can be partial or complete. A complete tear of the ACL has minimal ability to heal and often requires surgical reconstruction, as most patients suffer from functional problems, like giving way and instability, and significant pain. To a lesser extent, partial tears also produce pain and instability. There is serious debate within the medical and workers’ compensation communities about the need for surgical intervention for partial tears.

ACL reconstruction involves replacing the torn ligament, usually with the middle third patellar tendon or hamstring tendon graft. Although most people benefit from ACL reconstruction in functional terms, approximately 10% of patients require a second operation, mainly because of the loss of motion, further meniscal injury and graft failure. ACL reconstructions are not very successful in the long-run in people with chronic meniscal and chondral deficiency.

As ACL injuries typically occur in the context of physical activity, it is a common injury among manual laborers, individuals whose job duties include signficant amounts of climbing, lifting, squatting, and carrying.

Due to instability and pain associated with complete tears, manual laborers with any hope of returning to the work force will almost always require surgery and comprehensive post-surgical rehabilitation. Even then, a successful return to long-term gainful employment is not assured. Repetitive trauma associated with hours of manual labor on a daily basis can lead to pain and hasten the need for additional surgery.
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